Monday, December 3, 2007

So now what?

So I now have a blog called "Dyve's Dyary". What to do now?
First, I guess I thank Kevin Oliveira for the idea and Jeff Cooper for the pointers.
Jeff said it's best to have a theme for a blog and I agree.
He's probably right. But, see, here's the thing...... I haven't got one.
So, what do I intend to do here? What will the throngs of people who will completely fail to notice that Dyve's Dyary exists be missing?
Well, I don't know, but here are some guesses.

1. I'm a talker; a teller of stories. Some folks are entertained by them, others bored or frustrated; most are both at times. So, I intend to tell my stories on here, to give them a permanent home, entertain the entertainable without boring the disinterested. That's a good start in my book (and this IS, after all, my book).

2. I'm going through an interesting phase of life. Things have changed a lot lately. Whether you take that to mean the last few years or the last few days, it's still true. So the "Dyary" part will be, I expect, my musings on and observations of a new life in Maritime Canada; beautiful Nova Scotia to be precise. After 39 years in England, 16 in Ontario, 37 working for the same company, I live here now (since last week!) with my lovely wife of 5 years, two wonderful dogs, two cats and a blog. It's fun so far, if strange, and I'll use this space to write about it.

3. The aforementioned Jeff Cooper writes his blog ( ) in South Korea and has introduced the word "Waeguk" to my lexicon. I understand that it's Korean for "question" and Jeff invites his readers to "Ask A Waeguk". He answers unerringly (try it!), informatively and entertainingly, no matter how dry the waeguk (and I've asked a couple of DRY ones). This completely justified flattery will hopefully serve to prevent Jeff from suing for stealing his idea and his word. So, if you're reading this and you have a question, just call it a waeguk and send it in. Of course, I'm not sure yet how you do that (I'm just typing on a page that blogger told me to type on) but, until I work it out, send your waeguk's to and I, faithful reader, will do the rest. No rules for questions - anything goes. If I can't or don't want to answer, I will at least say so.

If you got here by invitation, you know who I am and may know some of the other people who crop up from time to time. If you stumbled on the place, you probably don't. That's fine - welcome aboard - but I won't be naming people here, except generically. So, if you know me and DON'T want your name on here, fear not, it won't be. People you already know might work out who you are from context but that's all.

1 comment:

jeff said...

Well, this is a tad embarassing for both of us, I suppose. Waeguk actually means "foreigner," or more specifically, "one who is not Korean." The intended meaning of my title, then, is "ask a question of someone who is living in Korea but is not Korean." Given your own non-Koreanness, you're more than welcome to appropriate it for your own purposes, but perhaps something more traditionally Maritimes might better suit your purposes. Ask a Come-From-Away, perhaps?

For purposes of shameless self-promotion, those interested can find the full range of questions asked of this waeguk at:

The advantage of such a device, at any rate, is undeniable: having other people think of your topics for you leaves you a lot more time in which to do nothing. Or something, as you see fit.

Good luck with the blogging!